Bollywood Bebo won't forget her first trip to Ahmedabad for a long time. She was quite rattled when hundreds of fans rushed towards the stage while she was performing at a show in Hydrabad. Thousands of star-struck fans swarmed the Karnavati Club when they got to know the event organised by producer Vashu Bhagnani to promote his son Jackky's debut Kal Kissne Dekha would feature Kareena. The fans were excited even when Sophie Chowdhary danced with Jackky for the event. But all hell broke loose when Kareena came on stage for a medley of her hit songs. Hundreds of Kareena's fans ran towards her on stage, but thankfully she was whisked away in time. The unruly fans rattled her, but she was pleasantly surprised when a large number of little girls descended at the performance venue dressed as her character Geet in hit film Jab We Met.
Bebo said that Yeah it did get pretty tricky at a point. Yeh sab hota hai. It was my first visit to Ahmedabad. I performed a medley of my best songs choreographed by Remo. It was for Vashu-ji's son. How can I forget he gave me my first big hit Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai? When his son is entering films it's my duty to support him." It simply zapped me. I completely forgot the heat of Ahmedabad when I saw those girls. It will be a long time before I'm allowed to forget Geet in Jab We Met.As of now, Kareena is focussing on her career. She has a handful of films in her kitty and she is making giant strides in the industry, as she has just been declared one of The Most Powerful Celebrities in Bollywood by Filmfare magazine.
Bebo said that Yeah it did get pretty tricky at a point. Yeh sab hota hai. It was my first visit to Ahmedabad. I performed a medley of my best songs choreographed by Remo. It was for Vashu-ji's son. How can I forget he gave me my first big hit Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai? When his son is entering films it's my duty to support him." It simply zapped me. I completely forgot the heat of Ahmedabad when I saw those girls. It will be a long time before I'm allowed to forget Geet in Jab We Met.As of now, Kareena is focussing on her career. She has a handful of films in her kitty and she is making giant strides in the industry, as she has just been declared one of The Most Powerful Celebrities in Bollywood by Filmfare magazine.
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